State Respite Care Program

Help provided by unpaid family and friends is often the reason that people with conditions that cause dementia can continue to live at home. Although there are many rewards, these family caregivers can become stressed, and even exhausted, over time. Respite, the opportunity to take a break and have someone else provide the care, is vital to caregiver wellbeing.

State Respite Care Program

Program Coverage

The Caregiver Respite Program can:

  • Allows family caregivers to submit up to $5,303 in respite expenses per fiscal year for an 80% reimbursement
  • Can help with the cost of in-home care, adult day care, and/or up to two weeks of overnight care in a facility per fiscal year
  • Allows a caregiver to apply for a waiver of all or part of the 20% co-payment depending on income and assets
  • Can reimburse for home modifications needed to promote independent living (up to $2,000 lifetime) with prior approval from the Program Coordinator

Eligibility Requirements

  • Written diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease/dementia from a physician.
  • Liquid assets not to exceed $50,000 for one person, or $75,000 for a couple.
  • Not receiving assistance from any other state subsidized programs.
  • Care recipient must be at least 18 years old and a Maine resident.
  • The Caregiver Respite program is supported by funds allocated by the State of Maine Office of Aging and Disability Services. Please note that there is often a waiting list for these funds.